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Passenger Combining

Passenger Combining

Passenger Combining

      You can combine your tour customers on a single card, or transfer customers from one tour to another. To reach the page, click on Customer > Transfer > Combine Passenger from the left menu.
You can select your tour from the tour section and mark the customers you wish to transfer from the drop-down list to the tour you chose. You can also choose the tour and the tour to be transferred. In this case you will transfer the customers you have selected to different cards in the same tour.  

When choosing a customer, you can minimize your mistakes by marking "mahram" or "last name" or "same card number". For example, you select the "with mahram" option and select a customer from the list. If the customer has a mahram, that customer will also be marked at the same time. Turasistan reduces making mistakes to a minimum.

In Figure 1, the information icon received inside the red frame warns you that the room package for that customer has not been selected.

The search box helps you find the customer you want to call from the list in a crowded round.
After you have marked your customers, you can complete the passenger combining process by pressing the transfer button. After the transfer is complete, the new card will be shown as a warning in the link message box. You can click on the link to go to the card of the customers you have merged.

Figure 1. Passenger combine.
